The Perfect Period Kit

The Perfect Period Kit

Sustainable Sanitary Hygiene Kits, for Periods on the Go. 

Being prepared for the impending arrival that time of the month, makes period life much easier, no matter where you are, or where you’re going. 

A period kit removes worry, replacing it with the confidence no matter where you are, no matter what state of bathroom you enter, you will not be caught out, and, will never need to flush period products. 

The first period kit I created was in the nineties, it was a necessity, periods can be tricky to navigate when travelling long distances for school, and working remotely. Later in life I created one for my daughter, a discreet period kit with all the essentials customised to suit getting your first period. Ensuring a confident daughter educated and ready to go, when the day came, alleviates much stress and certainly came in handy, and continues to be used every month as I still do.

So now an lifelong 'bin dont flush' advocate, on a mission to convert flushers and give binners the tools to stay binners, we are sharing our tips to build the perfect period kit. 

What to include, to make the Perfect Period Kit

Choosing a kit with a zip and inside pockets is ideal if there is a second compartment, like the Fab Sanitary Supply Kit, this offers a separate section to place used FabLittleBags in, so when there are no bins present, so you can safely carry and dispose of the used item, without any worries.

Our ideal period kit for every day includes sustainable products, such as the following must-have items:

  1. Organic Cotton Tampons & pads – enough for at least the day if you refill each night, or if preferred menstrual cup. 
  2. FabLittleBag Sanitary Bags – the ONLY sustainable sanitary bag you can hold and simultaneously add the used product in it, without a mess!
  3. A small natural hand sanitiser spray or wipe, for those 'no soap' moments.
  4. A small bag of biodegradable femme wipes.
  5. Optional Pain relief, for those who struggle with period pain; mini heat patches, lavender oil, or ibuprofen.


Product Selection when topping up your Period Kit?

We choose only biodegradable natural plastic-free wipes and natural sanitisers which are softer on the skin and better for the environment. Selecting Sustainable period products is also a top priority, natural and organic, are preferred where possible. 

FabLittleBag is the only option for the sanitary bag in a portable kit, it seals tightly to contain Odor and prevent leaks, giving you a hygienic way to dispose of products without stress. If you need to carry used products to a bin, using FabLittleBag makes this a breeze. You are also contributing to a cleaner environment and promoting sustainable period care.


Leak Protection

For added comfort and just in case, a spare pair of underwear is handy to add, or a pair of period underwear to absorb light leaks, and for extra protection and peace of mind on heavier days. 

Periods can also affect energy levels, staying hydrated is essential for reducing common symptoms like bloating and fatigue. A small bottle of water and a healthy snack like nuts or dried fruit are great ways to keep your energy up and improve your comfort levels during your period.

Organising Your Period Kit: 

With all our handy add-ons, here are a few quick tips on how to organise your period kit for quick and easy access:

  • Separate Essentials for Quick Access: Place items like FabLittleBag and your period products at the top, so you can access them easily in a public restroom.
  • Restock Regularly: Keep your Period kit stocked with all the essentials after every period, so you’re prepared and ready to go when it hits next month. 
  • Clean out: Restocking as soon as your period ends, helps if you have had to carry used products, to ensure it is emptied and clean.

Sustainable Period Kits

Period kits that include eco-friendly choices promote sustainable period care. Choosing biodegradable and sustainable products helps reduce waste and makes a positive impact on the environment.

FabLittleBag is an important addition to any sustainable period kit, providing a discreet and responsible disposal option that prevents plastic pollution. Designed with the environment in mind, FabLittleBag make it easy to manage period waste in a way that’s both convenient and eco-conscious.

The perfect tool for both young girls and women on the go. A well-packed period kit is the perfect way to ensure you have peace of mind and are prepared, no matter where the day takes you. With essential products, a few comfort items, and the eco-friendly convenience of FabLittleBag for discreet disposal, your period kit can help you feel confident and comfortable on the go.